What is a Kiss?
A Kiss Is usually between two people.
It includes and heightens all of our senses.
It heightens our sense of sight, taste, sound and may also produce some very strong feelings and emotions.
We use our lips in many ways.
For taking a sip of ice cold water, giving a speech to a class or whispering softly to your lover.
We also kiss our mothers, fathers and children. But these are not the type of kisses we are talking about here…
We are looking for the seeing stars, too hot to handle kiss… Not the typical “Honey, I’m home” variety...
When we kiss, lots of neurons and chemicals are affected. These chemicals can give us feelings of euphoria, motivation, and sexual arousal.
A sexual kiss may be soft or strong. It may feel like a fiery combustion when two souls unite. A kiss between two people tells a lot about what is currently happening in a relationship.
For the start of a red hot kiss, both people need to be peaceful, happy, and in a good state of mind.
Sexual kissing helps mate selection. It involves things that we have no control over. Like the smell that our bodies give off in relation to our neurons and chemical reactions that take place.
Pheromones play a part in this chemical cocktail. Plants often use pheromones for breeding and many other reasons. In humans, someone may be attracted to certain pheromones at different times of a woman's cycle or a T-shirt worn from either sex..
Unconsciously we can tell if we are genetically compatible with each other. Research says that you can pick up on whether a person wants children or not just by their scent.
Having this ability is actually crucial to our survival.
In the 1960s, Research found a link to today's kiss from our ancestors... the chimpanzees. The chimpanzee mother would chew her food and then feed it to her babies through puckered lips.
Consider the person you are kissing
You need to find, nurture and grow your own ability to create chemistry. It might sound silly, but knowing this information will help with all of your relationships. Not just sexual ones. Kissing someone you just met vs couples who have been kissing for years will have different levels of comfort.
Everyone has something called a comfort, or personal zone.
Be confident you both feel good in each other’s personal zone before you go any further. The truth is if you're still that nervous around this person, you may want to start working on your communication skills rather than worrying about a kiss.
You may not have the right chemistry together at the moment.
Remember every kiss is out of connection or chemistry…
If you are in a long term relationship and both of you want to take your relationship to the next level, both people need to be committed to the process of finding their "Spark" again. I also suggest that they may also choose to take a more direct route, like getting professional couples’ counseling.
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