Thursday, August 10, 2017

Practice Alone

Practice Alone

Even if you have a partner, I am still going to say that you need to practice these exercises by  yourself using your hand and preferably in front of a mirror. It truly is the only way to feel the  passion you are giving out in your kisses.

It makes these habits last! Remember we are building your chemistry... Not anyone else. You  are doing this for you and all the gifts kissing brings into your life!  

There are so many nerves endings in our fingers. It’s the perfect place to practice...

Here is what I want you to do:

1. Curl one hand as to make an “O”.  

2. Place your thumb on top of the other fingers.  

Lip Exercises  

The “O”

1) With your upper and lower lips, make a shape of an “O”.

2) Smile as wide as you can while still trying to hold the “O”.

3) Hold for ten seconds.  

What this exercise does is stretches and strengthens the main kissing muscles, giving you  more control of the edges of our mouth. 

The Pout

1) With your lips, pretend that you are giving a kiss on the cheek.

2) Then push your lips out as far as they can go.

3) Hold for 10 seconds.

This exercise helps blood rush to your lips for a nice plump lip area for those of you lacking in  lip space. 

The Suck

1) Take one of your fingers and gently place it in your mouth.

2) Suck on your finger as hard as you can.

3) Hold for 10 seconds.

4) Slowly breathe out.  

5)  Repeat.  

This gives you better control of of your inner mouth, not to mention you can practice your suck  on your own finger and see how it feels. Play around a bit with this one.  

Quick Review

1) Make sure you have your hygiene together… Neutral is good… Make sure to rinse any  toothpaste or mouthwash out of your mouth. Protect your lips with balm.  Get rid of any gum or candy…   

2) Make sure their are no dry flakes on your lips. This could feel very harsh on the other  person’s lips. Make sure your lips are soft and moist or follow the Emergency Advice. Make  sure to use a strong paper towel or napkin so no pieces of tissue are left on your lips or in  your mouth.  

3) Check your body smell… No, seriously, go check your body smell… Fix yourself  accordingly as needed.  

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